
I am a pendant pedant and I saw this and laughed.  Putting it here so you can laugh with me. It’s the Greenhouse Gas Emissions credit in the new Design and As-Built tool.  I think they meant eligible…

Belated update

I’m busy and stressed, so I’ve re-arranged this website and now I’m updating here. I’m planning to get the first round of Kathmandu’s volume certification submission off my to do list by Tuesday next week, in time for celebratory drinks....


A long time ago I set up a wiki for the company I was working for.  We used it to record our processes and included links to the documents we used every day.  It was really handy for Green Star references, but we also had a couple of fun pages including reviews of...

Save the environment! Clean ponds!

It started so well, “Helping the environment needs a realistic approach”.  That seems like a really sensible aim. It went on to talk about the ACT government plans for renewable energy – 90% renewable energy by 2020 and 40% emissions reductions. ...

Transport privilege

I’m procrastinating about a fee proposal, so have a blog post instead; I live in the inner city.  I walk or ride a tricycle (my own) to do the local market and supermarket shopping (truthfully, my husband mostly does it).  I also ride the Food Know How tricycle...

Has it really been a year?

Ooops, long time no blog. It hasn’t been a year, it’s been a year and a month or so.  It appears that I’m still paying the mortgage and eating, so it’s been moderately successful. I’ve also found time to get gardening done and make stuff...